Welcome to the official website for the International Institute of Food-Related Protocols.

The IIFRP is a standards-making community that aims to standardize the production of food. Learn more about us by visiting our about page.

This site contains a collection of announcements, proposals for standards, and officially adopted standards.

Want to submit a proposal?
Check out our submission guidelines. Please ensure submissions meet the required criteria explained the guidelines. Invalid requests will not be published.

Want to get involved?
Membership in the IIFRP is purely voluntary. Sign up for the Mailing List to join in on the discussion.

Want to ensure your food meets the standard?
Browse the list of approved standards to ensure your food meets the required specifications. If you're looking to stay ahead of the game, take a look at the proposals that are coming up for a vote.

Adopted Standards

Proposed Standards

Other Submissions


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